Why should I buy
CPsound Speakers?

  1. We are a speaker manufacturer that sells direct to you the consumer. This lets you buy a superior product (quality not found at your local electronics superstores) for less money.
  2. You get to listen to the product in your home, not in a sound room at the speaker store. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee to make sure that you want and like our product.
  3. Our speakers are manufactured in the USA.
  4. All of our speaker cabinets are made of the finest, tightest grade of 3/4" MDF available. Even our tiny FR5S speaker cabinets are made of 3/4" MDF material. This makes a solid box that dampens vibrations to give noticeably superior bass, and clear uncolored sound reproduction.
  5. One look and one listen will convince you that our speakers sound better and are better built than speakers sold at the local electronic superstores.
  6. Our speakers are not covered with black vinyl. They are painted and clear coated.
  7. We use only the very best components in our speakers. In our crossovers we use polypropylene and mylar capacitors, and air core inductors. This cost more, but noticeably improves the sound quality.

    Even if you do not think of yourself as an audiophile, you will notice and appreciate the clarity, smoothness and live, spacious sound of our speakers.

  8. You can e-mail us or call us (423) 562-3722. You will get a quick, courteous response to any questions that you may have concerning our products, and usage of our products.

Thank you for looking at our website.

- Cyrille Picker

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901 Queener Rd
Jacksboro, TN 37757 - USA
TEL: (423) 562-3722
E-Mail: sales@cpsound.com

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